Queen's Pageant

The Otero County Fair Dusty Diamonds, Fair Duchess, Rodeo Duchess, Rodeo Princess, Fair Queen, Fair & Rodeo Queen, and contestants serve as ambassadors of Otero County Fair Association, and Otero County Fair & Rodeo to the general public. These young ladies gracefully portray excellence in sportsmanship, high moral, ethical character, and reflect careful and humane treatment of animals.

Entry deadline is no later than June 7, 2024 by 5:00 PM. 


Every one of these young ladies are expected to always act in a professional but personable manner, speak intelligently and dress according to the prestige of the titles in person and on social media. This program teaches each participant to showcase their ability to enhance her confidence, abilities, poise in her presentations, pride in her accomplishments, skills in her communication, knowledge of the agricultural industry, and sportsmanship on accepting success or defeat gracefully. This program is designed to be a steppingstone for larger regional, state, and national titles. Each young lady becomes an ambassador for rodeo and agriculture. 

Each contestant will keep all social media that she is involved with appropriate and positive. (Even if it isn’t fair/rodeo related.) 

Dusty Diamond participants are not required to wear a sash, however they are welcome to purchase one. 

Pageant winners will be announced at the conclusion of the pageant. 

Each contestant/titleholder must also enter an exhibit in the Otero County Fair and follow entry guidelines outlined in the Fair book for that exhibit. 

Any contestant/titleholder not meeting the qualifications set forth above shall be denied the right to complete her reign in the Otero County Fair & Rodeo Queen Program. 

Age Divisions

Dusty Diamond

Each Dusty Diamond Contestant must:

Have obtained the age of 6 and shall not have exceeded the age of 10 years of age by the Wednesday of Otero County Fair of the year of competition. Entries are limited to the first six (6) completed entries. 

Fair Duchess

Each Fair Duchess Contestant must:

Have obtained the age of 10 and shall not have exceeded the age of 12 years of age by Wednesday of Otero County Fair of the year of competition.

Rodeo Duchess

Each Rodeo Duchess Contestant must:

Have obtained the age of 10 and shall not have exceeded the age of 12 years of age by Wednesday of Otero County Fair of the year of competition. 

Fair Princess

Each Fair Princess Contestant must:

Have obtained the age of 13 and shall not have exceeded the age of 15 years of age by Wednesday of Otero County Fair of the year of competition. 

Rodeo Princess

Each Rodeo Princess Contestant must:

Have obtained the age of 13 and shall not have exceeded the age of 15 years of age by Wednesday of Otero County Fair of the year of competition. 

Fair Queen

Each Fair Queen Contestant must:

Have obtained the age of 16 and shall not have exceeded the age of 18 years of age by Wednesday of Otero County Fair of the year of competition.  competition. 

Fair & Rodeo Queen

Each Fair and Rodeo Queen Contestant must:

Have obtained the age of 18 and shall not have exceeded the age of 23 years of age by Wednesday of Otero County Fair of the year of competition. 


  • Be a natural born female. 
  • Have been a resident of Otero County for 12 consecutive months prior to entry date, unless parent(s)/guardian(s) are Active Duty: the resident requirement is 6 consecutive months prior to entry date. 
  • Have never been pregnant or married. 
  • Must be of good moral character. 
  • Must not use or previously used any illegal or controlled substances (other than prescription medications and then only in the manner prescribed.) Not use abuse drugs or alcohol. 
  • Not engage in any act, including social media, which if made public would reasonably be likely to cause harm or damage to the reputation of the title. 
  • Attend all required events 
  • Must score a minimum of total score of 70% or higher of the total possible points. 
  • Shall abide by all the rules, Expectation Statement and Code of Conduct and Contract of the Otero County Fair and Rodeo Association Queen Program. 
  • Contestants are responsible for recruiting potential sponsors for the pageant and for the program. Each contestant will visit potential sponsors, invite the potential sponsors to the pageant, Otero County Fair & Rodeo, and coronation. 
  • Sponsors will receive Thank You cards from the contestant(s) they have supported; these will be distributed by the contestants. 
  • If selected as titleholder must surrender the title if for any reason, she is not able to fulfill her obligations and must not compete in other pageants during her reign.